680 Townbank Road, North Cape May, New Jersey 08204

Office: 609-884-1656

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Lay Dominicans

To Praise, To Bless, To Preach...
All are welcome to join us for prayer.
Our Lady of Victory Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic

Morning Prayer and recitation of the Dominican Rosary
Every 4th Sunday of the Month at 9:00 a.m. in the Adoration Chapel at St. John Neumann Parish/ St. John of God Church
680 Town Bank Road
North Cape May, NJ 08204
For further information, please call Ms. Bernice Pomarico, OP @ 609-886-4149.

"Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare."

Lay Dominicans are promised members of a Catholic Religious Order of friars, nuns, sisters, laity, and associates that is 800 years old - the Order of Preachers. Lay Dominicans preach the Gospels for the salvation of souls and the attainment of personal holiness.

Daily recitation of the Liturgy of Hours, the Eucharistic celebration of the Mass, and we hold in esteem the Rosary of Our Lady. Adoration, meditation, and contemplation are tools that we use to know and follow Jesus.

We commit to life-long study, searching for truth. We study both alone and in community. How can one explain the faith if one doesn't know it?

We see community as essential.  It is written in our Rule; that we come together at least monthly in community for Morning Prayer, Mass, a brief business meeting and a lesson. There is always time for coffee, cake and chat.

Saint Joseph Province, of which we are a part, defines an apostolate as, "the work we dofor Christ and the salvation of souls." Being a Lay Dominican is not an apostolate but may open a vision of a life of possibilities: to become  "a living beatitude" to those in need.

These Four pillars give the Order of Preachers a distinctive mark and sets us apart from other religious orders and communities.

Due in altum!
Vatican Council II encouraged the laity to live more fully the life of the Church: "the people of God."Saint John Paul II exhorts "Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deepand let down your nets for a catch."


St. John of God Church:
Weekend Mass: Sat. 4PM & Sun. 10AM
Daily Mass: 9 AM.
Holy Day: 9 AM.
Saturday 2:30-3:30 PM.
Wednesday: Prior to 9 AM Mass
Thursday: Following 9 AM Mass

(typically: Viewing 10 AM,
Mass 11 AM, burial to follow
Baptisms after Sunday Mass
Weddings by arrangement

St. Raymond Church:
Weekend Mass:
Saturday 6 P.M. (Memorial Day to Labor Day only)
8 A.M.
Noon (except Memorial Day thru Labor Day)
7 PM Spanish

Daily Mass in Spanish
Monday & Thursday 7pm with Exposition, Confession & Benediction following.
Tuesday & Friday 7am

First Saturday of the Month: Mass 9:00 A.M.
Exposition following Mass
Confessions 9:30-10:30 A.M.
Benediction 10:30 A.M.

Holy Day Vigil: (English) 5pm
Holy Day 7pm Spanish Mass

Funerals upon request of the family
(typically: Viewing 10 A.M., Mass 11 A.M., burial to follow)
Baptisms and Weddings
by arrangement

Mass Schedule Near Me