The St. John Neumann Council #3546, Knights of Columbus, was founded in 1952 in Cape May, NJ. We provide lay support to St. John Neumann Parish within their many ministries and functions, in addition to serving as ushers, lectors, altar servers and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist at Mass and to the homebound. We have a Merit Scholarship Program that is funded by a monthly breakfast held at the Council Home, St. Raymond Campus Hall, 800 Bayshore Road, Villas, on the first Sunday of each month. The scholarship money goes toward tuition at Wildwood Catholic High School. Knights also support New Jersey Right to Life and participate in the programs mandated to the Council from the State of New Jersey and the Supreme Order of the Knights of Columbus. The wives and children of the Knights support them in their endeavors and play an important role in their success.
What do we need? We need you! We need young men to join the Knights. You must be 18 years old or older, attend Mass and keep the Sacraments, believe and follow the teachings of the Pope. What's keeping you? Please call Grand Knight, Joseph Mendo, at 609-374-1008 for more information. Last thing – membership is free for one year - just use promo code DBROWN. That’s it. God Bless.
St. John Neumann Council 3546
Officer Slate for Columbian Year 2024-2024
Grand Knight – Joseph Mendo
Financial Secretary — William J. Woerner, Sr.
Deputy Grand Knight - Mike Calandra
Warden - Mike Shiber
Chancellor - Jerome Marshall
Recorder – Michael Stelacio
Treasurer - Dan Gilliam, Sr.
Advocate - Bob Booth
Inside Guard – Edward Oneill
Outside Guard - Jose Soto
Trustee, One Year – Albert A. Thalheimer
Trustee, Two Year – James J. Kelly
Trustee, Three Year - Paul N. Jelcic
Appointed Officers:
Chaplain – Rev. James H. King
Lecturer – Joseph M. Murphy