The Christ Child Society of Cape May County is a nonprofit Catholic association of volunteers, embracing members of all denominations, expressing their love of the Christ Child by service to God's children who are at risk, regardless of race or creed. A large part of our mission is to provide layettes for needy babies, as well as cribs, mattresses, car seats, formula and diapers. We also provide new winter coats, hats, and shoes for school age children. More personal items are provided as requested by school nurses. Individual committees work in conjunction with several private and public elementary and middle schools to determine where assistance is needed. Some agencies Christ Child supports are: Cape Human Resources, CARA, Caring for Kids, Catholic Charities, Covenant House, DYFS, Family Promise, Head Start, Holy Redeemer, Hope Pregnancy, Ocean Academy, Project Reach plus several food pantries throughout Cape May County. We also have several in-house committees that always need volunteers. Come join the Christ Child Society! In the words of our foundress, Mary Virginia Merrick: "To see a need is to fill it." For information regarding membership and meetings, please call Marge Oxley 609-886-2049.