680 Townbank Road, North Cape May, New Jersey 08204

Office: 609-884-1656

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Memorials & Fundraisers

Mass Cards
Mass cards are $15.00 per intention.
Mass intentions can be for the living or the deceased.
They may be obtained from the Parish office from 9:30 am to noon & 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.

Parish Hosts, Wine, & Vigil Light
Parish Hosts ~ $15.00 each
Available for St. Raymond or St. John of God Church
Parish Wine ~ $15.00 each
Available for St. Raymond or St. John of God Church
Vigil Light ~ $10.00 each
Available for St. Raymond or St. John of God Church

Flower Offerings
Main Altar Flowers ~ $85.00 each
Available at St. Raymond or St. John of God Churches
Side Altar Flowers ~ $45.00 each
Blessed Mother at St. Raymond Church
Holy Family at St John of God Church
Divine Mercy at St John of God Church
Our Lady of Fatima at St John of God Church
St. John Neumann Shrine at St. Raymond Church
St. John of God Shrine at St John of God Church

Tree of Remembrance In St. John of God Church
Personalized Memorial Leaves may be obtained with a donation of $200.00 each by calling our office at 609-884-1656.
We also offer 3 leaves for $500.00


St. John of God Church:
Weekend Mass: Sat. 4PM & Sun. 10AM
Daily Mass: 9 AM.
Holy Day: 9 AM.
Saturday 2:30-3:30 PM.
Wednesday: Prior to 9 AM Mass
Thursday: Following 9 AM Mass

(typically: Viewing 10 AM,
Mass 11 AM, burial to follow
Baptisms after Sunday Mass
Weddings by arrangement

St. Raymond Church:
Weekend Mass:
Saturday 6 P.M. (Memorial Day to Labor Day only)
8 A.M.
Noon (except Memorial Day thru Labor Day)
7 PM Spanish

Daily Mass in Spanish
Monday & Thursday 7pm with Exposition, Confession & Benediction following.
Tuesday & Friday 7pm

First Saturday of the Month: Mass 9:00 A.M.
Exposition following Mass
Confessions 9:30-10:30 A.M.
Benediction 10:30 A.M.

Holy Day Vigil: (English) 5pm
Holy Day 7pm Spanish Mass

Funerals upon request of the family
(typically: Viewing 10 A.M., Mass 11 A.M., burial to follow)
Baptisms and Weddings
by arrangement

Mass Schedule Near Me